Kershaw County Housing Authority
Kershaw County Housing Authority
Community Impact
Kershaw County Housing Authority appreciates the community support both financially and collaboratively. Since March 2020, KCHA has been awarded $426,890.68 through grants, partnerships, and donations.
A total of $220,462.78 has been spent assisting 66 families throughout the county for an average of $3,340.35 per family.
Thanks for the continued support from the community and other foundations.
KCHA is a non-profit organization.If you are interested in donating to the organization, please contact us directly.All donations are tax deductible.Housing Trust Fund
made possible by funding from SC State Housing AuthorityKershaw County Housing Authority is an approved non profit that
partners with SC State Housing to provide opportunities for homeowners to have repairs done to their homes.
This grant funded program funds the rehabilitation of single family homes owned by low-income families.
Eligible activities include those that are considered emergency in nature
(roof, sewer/septic, heating/air conditioning)
Mobile homes that were manufactured more than 20 years ago are not eligible for the program.
Please contact our office directly to determine if you qualify for repairs.
KC Cares!
Funding is available to assist eligible householdsexperiencing financial hardships due to the economic impact of COVID-19with Rent, Mortgage and Utilities.The assistance will prevent evictions and foreclosuresto further stabilize the housing in Kershaw Countyfollowing the expiration of the eviction/foreclosure moratorium.For more information or to see if your household qualifies,contact Kershaw County Housing Authority803-677-0813Funding for this program is made possible through a grant by theCentral Carolina Community Fund and One SC Fund: COVID-19 Response-
SYNOVUS BANK awarded Kershaw County Housing Authority additional
$2500 grant to aid in the development of affordable housing in Kershaw County.
Many Thanks for the community support
Synovus Bank awarded Kershaw County Housing Authority a $7000 grant to aid in the development of affordable housing in Kershaw County.
Pictured from right to left is Karen Eckford, Senior Vice President - Retail Market Lead, Synovus Bank of Camden; Ramonda L. Pollard, Executive Director, Kershaw County Housing Authority; and Archie Todd, III, Board Chair for Kershaw County Housing AuthorityAbout Us
Our Mission
The Mission of the Authority
is to advocate for, empower and assist low-income individuals and families
with securing safe, decent and affordable housing
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Authority
will be to address the low-income and affordable housing needs
of the Citizens of Kershaw County, South Carolina
Our Vision
The Vision of the Authority
is for every individual and family in Kershaw County
to have a home that is safe, decent and affordable
Upcoming Board Meetings
August 17, 2022 at 5 pm - 1109 Broad Street, Camden, SC Conference Room
September 13, 2022 - Location to be determined
October 11, 2022 - Location to be determined
November 8, 2022 - Location to be determined
December 13, 2022 - Location to be determined
The Kershaw County Housing Authority
was created by the Kershaw County Legislative Delegation on June 29, 2011.
The powers and duties of the authority are vested in the KCHA Commission.
The commission is composed of seven (7) members appointed in the following manner:
Two (2) members by the Legislative Delegation
Two (2) members by the Kershaw County Council
One (1) member by the governing body of the City of Camden
One (1) member by the governing body of the Town of Elgin; and
One (1) member by the governing body of the Town of BethuneWho We Are
Board of Commissioners
Archie Todd
Appointed by Kershaw County Council
Term Expires 8/18/2025
Laurey Carpenter
Vice Chair
Appointed by Town of Elgin
Term Expires 04/17/2025
Marc Quigley
Appointed by Legislative Delegation
Term expires 8/23/2023
Brenden A. Hinton
Appointed by City of Camden
Term expires 2/26/2026
Robin McAlpine
Appointed by Kershaw County Council
Term expires 8/23/2023
Darlene Thomas
Appointed by Town of Bethune
Term expires 8/20/2024
Appointed by Legislative Delegation
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© 2019